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Join Voyage Store and Virgin Voyages at our online workshop on Wednesday 22 November ay 11:00am to be entered into a live prize draw to win one of THREE £250 cash prizes

1st prize draw £250 | 2nd prize draw £250 | 3rd prize draw £250

Only agents’ names who join our online workshop on 22 November at 11:00am will qualify for this giveaway

Agents who register to join the workshop and fail to join on 22 November 2023 at 11:00am will not be entered into the live prize draw

All attendees’ names will be entered onto the spin wheel once the online workshop commences and will be selected at random.

Three names will be drawn out from the spin wheel during the live online workshop

Winners will be contacted via email and the winners’ bank details will be required in order to make the balance transfer.

You must be a registered Voyage Store partner to claim your prize. 

Virgin Voyages/Voyage Store retains the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice or notification.

Virgin Voyages/ Voyage Store retain the right to withdraw this giveaway at any time without prior notice or notification.

Monetary prizes cannot be exchanged for anything else.

No alternative prize will be offered.